Monday, March 18, 2013

Ottawa County Courthouse

The Ottawa County Courthouse is a picturesque building. I have answered many questions regarding the style, cost, etc. Here is a concise description of what I have discovered. The source of the following information is primarily newspaper articles.

            The structure is in the Richardson Romanesque style, constructed of North Amherst, Ohio sandstone and Pink Tennessee marble. Construction started in 1898 and was completed in 1901. The contract price for the Courthouse was $47,500; additions and changes brought the price to $60,000. This did not include the steam heat, furniture and other fittings. The total cost was $65,500. The cost of decorating the 3rd floor Common Pleas courtroom exceeded $1,000.
            The tablet that records the name, company and regiment of every soldier and sailor from Ottawa County who served in the Civil War was paid for by the funds generated from a ¼ mill property tax levy which was approved by the voters.
            During construction a five ton stone was to be transferred from the south face to the north face. While the stone was being moved, a cable on the derrick parted and the stone & derrick fell. It fell on Conrad Balduf knocking him to the ground. Miraculously, Balduf was not seriously injured. The construction firm presented him with jersey cow. “Coonie” had just lost a milk cow shortly before the incident.
            In 1974, the Ottawa County Courthouse was added to the national Register of Historical Places.